This past weekend was spent re-exploring, re-examining, and re-experiencing the city and all it has to offer. I love Philadelphia, although parts of it I could live without. My boyfriend has only ever seen the Art Museum and Chinatown, so we decided to look around the more notable places in the area. Bring on the pictures!
The Senate. Or what used to be the Senate. George Washington was sworn in in this VERY ROOM! (Let the high-pitched historical squee-ing begin.) And Adams, dear, dear, Adams. He was here too. Oh, John and Abagail, I want to model my romance after yours. (If you have never read the correspondances between the husband and wife, I suggest you do so at some point in the future. Romantic? Yes. Political? Oh yes. More than wonderful? By far!)
The Room. You know which one I'm talking 'bout. That awesome, sweet room where they debated, yelled, whispered, and compromised to bring us (drumroll please) the Constitution!

And then we took a break for some lunchage at Square Peg. If you're ever in the area looking for an awesome, funky, delicious, and unique dining experience: head here. Run. Do not walk. It's that good.
Warning: Serious nomiture ahead.
To start: Shrimp chips (which I had never had and turned out to be weirdly salty) tossed with fried baby tako (octopus), and melt-in-your-mouth calimari (which I actually tried). It came with this dipping sauce that I had to resist drinking. Think thousand island kicked up a notch in flavor and creaminess.
On to the entrees! He got cheesesteak pot pie, and could barely finish it. Kind of a one-of-a-kind Philadelphia experience.
I on the other hand opted for spicy falafel with lentil hummus, weirdly not quite pickled veggies, and chilled grilled cauliflower that was out of this world.

We went off then to explore Walnut Street and browse shops in which we could never afford anything (a fun past time of mine - I like to recreate the styles later from Target, JoAnn's, or other more affordable cheaper source).
Eventually we drove to the airport and then the most favorite part of the entire visit occured (nothing dirty, I promise). I parked between buildings so we could see the sky, and we reclined the front seats so I could put my head on his shoulder. We just relaxed, sometimes say something, but more often just enjoying being together. It's so rare we get these moments, and I love them. We're so foten off to the next adventure, which I absolutely LOVE, but sometimes, yeah, it's nice just to be together.
Until then, mon coeur!
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